Monday, June 18, 2012


Whenever I heard the word meditation, I thought of people sitting cross legged with their hands on their knees, fingers in a circle chanting OHMMM...

Boy was I wrong!!  

I was talking to a friend quite a few months ago, maybe a year..  But he had started meditating and said I really needed to start doing it.  He said it is amazing and he even gave me a book on it.. I guess I should get it back to him.  I think this may have been the last time I have seen him.  

Through my journey, I am still learning what meditation is and what it can do.  I have learned that the act of meditation is different for everyone.  Some people just breathe, some focus on one thing of another, some count and the list goes on and on and on.  For me, I have learned to start counting my breaths as I breathe slow until my mind goes where it needs.  

I am no where near a professional and I still have such a long way to go on learning what I am doing and what works for me.  But I do know that if you can find a way to meditate, to somehow clear your mind or let it wonder, you can find and receive answers to whatever it is you need.  

Also when I say Clear your mind, I don't mean to not let thoughts enter your head.  I used to think meditation meant you had no thoughts at all.  Wrong again!!  That is why I start by focusing on my breath.  Nothing more.  For me, I count to 4 as I breathe in and 4 again as I breathe out.  Before I know it, my breath has steadied and I am in a different world.  This place is different for everyone.  Sometimes I am there for a while, sometimes very short.  But I love going there, you can learn so much about yourself and your needs.  

If you have never tried before, I recommend every person to start meditation.  Don't try, just DO..(as I was once told).  You will be glad you did.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


When you hear the word psychic, what do you think of?  Crazy, weird people with a big ball in front of them dressed all crazy as you enter a dark beaded room?

Not sure why, but that is kind of the image I always envisioned.  Boy, was I wrong.

I have a very good friend who has been using a psychic for quite a few years.  He has always said it helps him find direction in times when he can't seem to do it on his own.  His longterm girlfriend was having some addiction related issues and didn't seem to be so happy in her life, so he recommended the psychic to maybe help as he has been helped.  She was reluctant at first but soon gave in.  I was fortunate enough to listen to her account of what her session involved.  Her enthusiasm about it all is what first got me interested.  As time went on, some of the predictions started coming true!  As they did, even I was in awe and began to wonder if I should get a reading done.

I started doing some research and looking deep into myself to see what I really thought about this whole thing that I once thought was just crazy talk.  I had other friends also get readings during this time that all seemed to come away with the same feelings.  They felt amazing!!

I finally broke down and made my first appointment.  All I can say is WOW!!  I wish I had known about this a long time ago.  It was nothing like I envisioned.  It was comfortable, relaxing, no crazy people with crazy balls and the lady was so fun and personable and very 'normal' then what I would have thought.  Not only that, but what I was told, could not have been more SPOT ON.  And could not have come at any better time.

I received a recording of our session and have found myself going back and listening to it from time to time.  Each time I do, I pick up on a new message I had previously missed.  I also have found myself contemplating psychics and their meaning and purpose.

First off, I never once, before now ever really gave them much credit.  All I had really seen of them, is stuff on TV.  Religious or not, most people believe there are spirits around us.  Many people have had their own experiences with them weather it be through loved ones who have died, or just a random miracle.  Many other people also claim to see them or talk with them, even many religious leaders in any religion.  Yes, I have always believed in spirits and other life around us.  I have also had my own experiences to help me believe that.  So accepting what a psychic does was not that difficult.

I believe that some people are born with the gift of being able to connect with these spirits easier then others.  While many believe most children are born with this gift, some will stop using this gift, there are those that practice it and get better at it as time goes on.  

I believe we are surrounded by many spirits.  Many of which are all here to help us through this life.  Psychics are one way for us to connect with these spirits.  But every person also has the ability to connect with them on a daily basis.

I am on my journey now learning and practicing this technique and loving every second of it.  I am so happy I met this awesome lady Suzanne who opened my door to a new way of thinking and I can't wait until I am ready to see you again!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The beginning

About a year ago, I was introduced to a new way of looking at life and the meaning behind it all.  During this time, I have begun to read some books, met some amazing new people and have gained so much information that I would like to start sharing.

Tonight I was at the gym swimming when it hit me like a ton of bricks that I need to share my story and journey.  It is nerve racking because I fear the reaction I may get from some people out there, but as I get more detailed, you will begin to understand why I can't ignore the voice telling me to share.

Religion is something that has not and never did come easy to me.  I grew up in a very active LDS family.  But at age 4, my mom has always repeated the story of her waking me up one morning for church.  As she woke me up, I sat straight up in bed, looked her in the eyes and asked "well, what if it isn't true?"  Who knows what my mom's answer was, but I don't think I ever stopped asking myself that question.  I always wanted to believe it because it would make my life 'easier'.  I would not let my family down.  Everyone I knew was mormon, so how would my friends think of me if they knew I didn't believe?  As I grew older, I came to understand that living a religion is much harder if you don't believe it.   Life seems to fall into place when you become honest with yourself.  But when you only know one religion and leave, how do you start to perceive the world?  Is there a God?  Is there more meaning to this life?  If there is, what is the real truth?

These are some of the questions I will start to answer during this time.  I will state from this very first post that I am not here to tell anyone they are wrong for what they believe or think.  I am not here to judge for any of those beliefs.  Some of the people who come across may think I am crazy.  Some may think I am right on target.  My goal in all this is to help people understand that everyone here has a purpose.  Each person's purpose and goal in this life is all different.  We are all different.  And I sure hope that we can see past all our differences and learn to love one another and help all those around us.